fairies *do* exist

Oct 14, 2009 21:56

So, I am like, officially *obsessed* with Jon Hamm now. It's those tailored suits on Mad Men, I just know it. And really, who wouldn't be? Speaking of which, what an awesomely fantastic show. REALLY NOW.

All the interesting people are abandoning my work... so sad. No more Adam, Spencer or Unoriginal David :\ I am not amused! Work is incredibly dull lately...there's no one to have nonsense conversations with or anything.

There are so many options for moving, it's making me a little crazy. I was looking into Chicago for a while there and then it turns out that it's a dark frozen wasteland or some such thing 6 months out of the year and...eh, I'm still down. It's a long way to go, though, and cross-country moves are expensive. I'd love to go to San Francisco, but...yeah...jobs. Le suck. I need to figure out what to do next.

I am considering a year in South Korea teaching english. It seems to be the one job that my stupid degree will actually get me! Yay! and it would be exciting...new country, new language... I just don't know what other job to transition into. Lazy Acres is a unique thing, it seems. I need to travel and work with other people. A teaching degree here would just take forever. I'm pretty sure that TEFL courses are something i could take while i was there during breaks...eh, we shall see. I have only barely begun to look into it.

I've been feeling trapped by nothing to do for a while here. I want to dance like a crazy person and run around in the rain. I miss the scene, even. Ooooh. The rain seems to have stopped for now, but I'd still love a night of dancing and friends and talkign to strangers. I am starting to feel like myself again and the possiblities are endless.
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