i like him too.

Jun 10, 2008 12:50

so we saw The Fall and Kermit got his back scratched by a 98 (or was it 96?) year-old lady. she told him he was a good boy and scratched his back for a good couple of minutes. said it keeps her young, which was both cute and creepy. The Fall was, of course, LOVELY. i had no problems with it at all. gorgeous gorgeous color everywhere and pretty pretty Lee Pace eyelashes OMG.

we also saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull in the really old Arlington theater with the stars on the ceiling and some fresh outta prison idiot wouldn't shut the hell up and almost got into a fight with another dude. i forgot that crazy people go to that theater. it was good tho - i liked it (the movie, not the idiots)!

Kermit is still in search of work in the Bay Area (preferably somewhere on the peninsula or in the city)...we eventually want to move up there. i'm just sick of 80 degree heat and it has become the norm down here, altho not for the last three days! it has been just gloriously overcast or breezy and cool. i should have ridden my bike yesterday. if it still works. it's been sitting in the downstairs garage for a year+ now, unridden. if the clouds burn off later today maybe i'll go for a ride.

also, i hate Lucky magazine (to which i have a weird 5-yr subscription). i can afford exactly nothing they advertise in there. it's all "THE BEST SUMMER CLOTHES FOR UNDER $100" and then it's like...each piece of the outfit costs $98. guys, c'mon.

work has been...weird. Alberto and i got into some sort of lover's tiff about the ONE DAY A WEEK he has been scheduling me in the deli and now, apparently, i'm not going to be scheduled there at all anymore. this is FINE with me - it's actually what i wanted/needed for my wrist, but....without communication and without talking to Miguel (Cap Bar manager) so he can put me on *his* schedule more to make up for it? so childish. so i'm only working 2 days this week instead of 3 or 4 because the man can't get it together to have a real conversation with anyone and treat his employees professionally. whatever. my wrist has been getting better, slowly but surely, but really only because i've only been working that one day a week in the deli. it gets better to the point where it's not causing problems for me at all and then i have my one day there and it's painful all over again. lather, rinse, repeat every week. this is why i'm glad to, apparently, not be working in the deli anymore, since the hand therapists were all telling me to get out get out. but still, y'know? are there professional managers, like...anywhere? this is a worker's comp issue, man, i'm not just some disobediant child trying to make their lives harder. i realise it sounds stupid to say that pushing buttons on a scale is causing me serious pain, especially when it doesn't seem to be happening to anyone else there (except it totally IS because Rox has issues with her hands WAY worse than mine only she's too afraid of being fired (even tho she wouldn't be) and too self-depreciating to say anything).

anyhow. enough of that drama.

i want to start packing. i've been in this apartment longer than i've lived anywhere else in my life and it feels like time to go.
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