um.... hi...

Mar 19, 2010 17:12

Right, kinda dropped off the face of LJ-world. The shiny of Facebook has done that.
Its not like I have anything interesting to report. Still living in 1957 and not doing a very good job at it. Joined Weight Watchers at the end of January and I'm down 7 pounds so far. I'm doing this fully, as I'm hoping the statistics won't be a lie for me. I'm treating it like AA, going on Mondays and Thursdays.
In other news, I am writing. Yup, just like I said I was going to do when I was 8. I mean, really, isn't that what every creative unemployed person does? Besides novel fun, I'm also writing *gulp* some fanfic. Dragon Age was very inspiring for it. Damn you Bioware and your romance plots! If you're curious, I'm on as Willowstead.
Lots of AOKP madness going on right now. Caledonia had its first Hell Night and the weather was the only major hitch, which is pretty damn good considering it was our first one off campus.
And the days pass on....
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