Dec 05, 2008 00:04
This is quite complicated and I'm not sure what to do.
A few months back a woman from over the road asked if she could come in. She then proceeded to tell mum and I that she was married, here on a spousal visa (she's Indian) and that her husband is psychologically abusing her.
She's very full on, and has come over several times sicne.
A spousal visa lasts for 2 years, and then if they're happily married British partner can sponsor his spouse to stay here indefinitely.
Her spousal visa expires in Jan 09.
Her husband has applied for divorce and she moved otu 2 weeks ago to start work as an aupair.
he has agreed to still sponsor her - ie he's going to lie to Home Office so she can get indefinite leave to stay here.
I'm sure that's not legal.
Anyway tonight she bangs on door and says her husband called her new employer and told her the truth and that she's been asked to leave and can she come and stay until she gets her indefinite leave to stay.
Now I feel certain that if you apply for divorce before the 2 years is up then surely you can't get indefinite leave to stay.
But I feel sorry for her, although she's so full on I'm not really sure whether to believe her.
I really can't cope with her coming to stay here for a few weeks.
And I don't like being dragged into this.
Whilst I feel sorry for her, if her marriage is over and divorce proceedings have started I fail to see how it can be legal for them to apply for her to have indefinite leave to stay.
But I feel sorry for her. And she's playing on that.
I need some legal advice. I need to find out if what they're doing is legal.
From what she's said I'd rather have her as a British citizen than her husband.
But what if she gets caught and mum and I know about it, we could get into trouble.
She started crying and we have said she can stay, but I'm having doubts, so I'm goign to citizens advice bureau tomorrow.
If I knew her, personally knew her, I'd take a chance, but she keeps telling people about me, so my name is being dragged into this sordid mess.
I feel sorry for her, but if there's the chance mum and I could go to prison, I'm not prepared to do that, not for somebody I barely know.
Abusers are very good at looking all innocent and making their partners look nuts - but I really can't read this situation. I just don't know what to believe.
If she is being abused then it's appalling that there are no organisations that can help her.
I just dont' know what the legality of it all is.
Adn there are no organisations that can help her until she has indefinite leave to stay???
I am sick and tired of feeling guilty. She doesn't see that what she and her husband are doing is illegal. you can only apply for indefinite leave to stay if you're in ahappy marriage - or can they?
Up at about 7am just to go and get some legal advice. Oh fucking joy. No fucking lie in.
What would you do? Would you help her? Helping illegal immigrants -if that is what she has become because she's no longer following the terms of her spousal visa - is a serious thing, and yes some shoudl be allowed to stay, but the vast majority should not.
Or woudl you report her?
At moment I'm thinking I have to not allow her to stay and report what they are up to?
But I'll reserve judgement until I get legal advice.
AND I'm concerned if I tell her she can't stay, as she has no place else to go, she might harm herself. And if she goes back to India her life will be screwed.
My problem is I care too much. None of this is right. i could be damned if I help her, and feel guilty if I don't.