Sep 18, 2008 23:20
Well Anne and Spencer are no longer together. He's finally told her he's back with his ex. But he wants to remain friends and for Anne and his ex to become friends. Oh and he says I would have come between them.
My sister said no I wouldn't have. But that's all. She didn't tell him it was wrong what he did. It's like he's trying to get everybody on his side.
But the fact they're going to remain friends and he wants her to become friends with his ex is worrying because it means he'll still be in her life.
Oh and he told Anne that if he were to marry they'd only be 3 people he would choose - Anne, his ex, and wait for it 'me'. How the hell did that happen?
Helen, my middle sister has been unlucky in health. She's had benign fibroids, benign cysts, she had to have her womb lining removed so it's like half-hysterectomy, tilted womb, she has folded over right intestine, and a whole horde of other problems.
Well she now feels constantly full and bloated and has constipation possibly due to the folded over intestine.
On Tues 9 Sep she saw nurse, there was a problem so she didn't have smear test. She went back to have smear on 11 Sep with nurse and doctor. Doctor said she had an enlarged stomach. So he said she needed to have tests.
helen said to me depending on how quick the appointment is made would give an indication as to how serious they think it might be. Well she went to doctors on 11 Sep, it's 18th now and she already has her appointment date for 29 September 2008. That's fast.
She's been lucky thus far although she has a lot of things wrong with her, fingers crossed her luck will hold.
And how am I?
Worried about Helen.
Annoyed at Anne about Spencer. Worried about Anne as her meds are being reduced for depression when she's having a shitty time of it so that she can go on new meds next week but she has to slowly come off these as she'll go into withdrawal symptoms.
Worried about mum. In the last few weeks her health has deteriorated. She has osteoarthritis and seems to be in a bad way. She's on a number of drugs now.
And me - I'm frustrated at the way my life is going. There are some positive things happening like this walk I'm going to do in about a month, it will hopefully raise awareness and funds for the charities I have chosen to walk for, and it will look good on my CV.
I can't or shouldn't complain, I have a lot of positives, and there are people far worse off than me, but I just feel a little I don't know, incomplete and deflated.
Maybe this walk will do me some good. 20 days to clear my head, get some perspective, get away from worry at home, etc.
Oh and my friend may have had another episode. A messgae was left on my voicemail by somebody who was whispering like what my friend did last year when she had one of her episodes. Only I didn't hear this message as mum heard it, didn't save it so it was deleted. I have spoken to my friend and even if she was having an episode a few days back, she's ok now. I think I should tell her sister in case, but she's just started university and I don't want to stress her out. So trying to figure out whether to tell her or not.