Wesley told a really funny bad joke in English to-day. When I retold it to the family, they looked at me in bewilderment while I was cracking up like crazy. I had to explain it to them.
Some Boy Scouts are doing typical Boy-Scouty things: they're hiking through the woods, led by a guide. They come to a creek, over which lies a tree trunk, so they decide to cross the creek via the tree trunk.
As they're walking on this tree trunk, one guy's wallet falls from his pocket and toward the water. As it's falling, though, a carp leaps out of the water, catches the wallet in its mouth, and - before it goes back into the water - flips its head so that the wallet goes sailing into the air again. Another carp leaps out of the water, catches the wallet in its mouth, and propels it through the air. Soon, there are hundreds of carp leaping about and catching the wallet and flipping their heads to send the wallet sailing.
When the Boy Scouts have crossed the tree trunk and seen all this, the guide turns to the boy who lost his wallet and says, "Now here's a rare instance of carp-to-carp walleting!"
It is so terribly bad that it's hilarious.
(If you don't "get it," think "wall-to-wall carpeting"...)