Finding my center...

Feb 19, 2009 18:17

Not so easy really. I ventured into "pre-yoga" yesterday evening, the class for little old ladies and people with arthritis (like me). Boy was I glad I started with that before moving on to Level 1. I never really had much of a sense for exactly what parts of my body were impacted by the RA. Now I do. Guess that's the point of the whole practice, really. Learning about your body, balancing things out, finding your center, blah, blah, blah...

I have never put much stock in karmic, new-age, metaphysical hoo-ha and I gotta say, this class had a little of that going on. This is not to say that I disrespect people who practice the intuitive arts, just that it's never done much for me. But I think I have some things to learn from it. Namely, to SLOW DOWN.

As much as I adore sleep I don't tolerate leisure well, and I always sort of knew this. But an hour of yoga brought to my attention not only the variety of kinks, weakness, and tight spots in my body, but also the fact that I have tremendous difficulty going an hour without looking at my watch. I managed to refrain during the class, but only through the exertion of rather a bit of willpower, which I'm sure I should have been channeling differently. So I'm going back next week, letting go, and seeing what yoga has to teach me, because it's probably worth it to master this whole relaxation thing. And also because I really like the popping sound my back makes when I rotate and stretch just right, aaaahhh...
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