Jan 21, 2008 05:36
Sometimes the little quirks of conversation and speech patterns really confuse me; Particularly my own. Also, I'm really bad with grammar and punctuation and sentence structure. It would seem as if my DNA were missing the whole segment of nucleotides linked to an editing wizard for being able to function and communicate well with the human race gene.
As if it makes any difference at all, for some reason when ending conversations/encounters, something in my being feels like it is absolutely of the essence to express my hope for the other person's well being. As if by the time the conversation is over, they don't or haven't already known such. And as if my well wishes had ANYTHING to do with the real and natural order of things, such as God's will or fate or luck or whatever it is may have it.
Why do we do this? And why do I do this to such an extreme? Maybe I should just go with something like 'Peace' instead. Or just 'Word'...