The spam wagon's pretty full today.

May 02, 2009 13:05

20 (or so) pictures beneath the cut. Yep, I've been on a simming spree lately. How can you tell?

Kiwi's into Lukey.

So is Jess. In the middle of Kiwi's living room while...

Kiwi's making everyone pasta.

The two break out the bitchslaps.

Never mess with a chick who has a fetish for time travel.

Meanwhile, down the road, Xylo moves into Cal's house.

Honey, you didn't even have that much monies last time I checked!

Creepy townie is creepy.

"So like, does your ship run on petrol or what?"

Callista gets a tan

...and pregnant.

Oi, you haven't even popped yet!

Effin' hell, Inteen. I thought she was having a miscarriage. >:l

"Sex makes babies?!"

Mandatory pregnant sim cuteness!

Oi, creepy townie. Do not mess with the pregnant lady!

Xylo's a sweetie. He kept rolling wants to give Cal backrubs.


Say hello to Allen and Frances! That's just Allen in the photo, but Frances looks about the same. :l

Aaand that's it for now. I'm off to play moar sim and take more pics to spam you all with. (:

In more IRL stuffeths, mom's home. She's taken my brother out for pizza and promises to bring me back a few slices, tater wedges and coffee. Mmm. I'm going to Taiwan tomorrow morning which means lotsa shopping, hunting down Hetalia thingies ilu2, Phillip and delishus fudz. :D

taiwan, dear phillip, sims, spam, irl, pics

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