Aug 14, 2005 17:28
There are way too many options for my postmortem days.
Is plastination a sign of egotism, or am I correct in assuming that many others consider an estimated 50,000+ years as a posed Me doll a great, though clutter-creating, option?
I'm afraid that being composted by Promessa would be fueled less by environmental consciousness and more by the thought of having my freeze-dried body shattered by ultrasound waves. It would make me feel like a guest star in a Faith No More video in a way that's certainly preferable to being the flopping fish. I guess I could be vitamins for a tree. But not a willow, NO, because apparently they threaten your house's foundation, so in the end you have to choose between the tree your daughter chose to be planted and your property value.
It's strange that I was less upset about my parents changing my room completely (reinserting all the original furniture I had when I was younger and lived upstairs) and more embarrassed that they thought it looked both good and bigger, when neither is true. It's probably stranger that I got to sleep every night reading Archie comics that I'd read at least a dozen times before.
To tell you the truth, Betty's pathetic and Veronica's a snotty bitch. And Archie doesn't seem to have much of a personality.
But there was this one section where kids sent in their Archie art, and they had so many anime versions of Archie characters. It reminded me of my Trasher-reading days and the envelope art they'd print in every issue.