Feb 14, 2005 23:17
So today was full of ups and downs. I was informed that the cheer team won Nationals. Wow how exciting! Rumor has it we might not have to go to school Friday thanks to their outstanding performance. You didn't think I was excited because they won did you? That three day weekend is all I care about. Come on Br. Chris!
Then third period rolled around and I got my last Calc test back. I tore it up, figuratively. Supa fly. Thats an A on Mr. Wong's test after completing 0% of his homework. :D
Then there was ethics, and I got to listen to Ms. Klink for almost an hour. Don't smoke it will ruin your life, Ms. Klink is proof. (ouch, that was low.) *Someone* who sits behind me in ethics smells like Marlboro Reds. You have got to stop that man. I know you think you're gonna die young, but lung cancer is definitely not the way to go.
George handed me a Vallogram... Vallagram... VanHalengram... a pink Valentines Day letter from some friends over at SAA. It had a picture of a muffin on it and the signatures of two very cool people. I'd never gotten one of those before, and so it made my day. I wish I had sent them one. Maybe I will mail them each a letter. That would work.
Then in seventh period, I stuck a freakin' awesome mix-tape of DaRude's greatest tracks in Mr. Baker's stereo. He took it out and made us listen to some Lawrence Welkish stuff, which is cool if you're 80. I prefer my techno, thank you very much!