Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Useless."
* I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity.
* Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
* Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions
My questions, courtesy of
ionan 1) Do you think that alien contact is an impossibility or an inevitability?
Well, given how human I'm not, I'll have to go with an inevitability... ;)
But if you mean further contact...I really don't know. I'm pretty convinced that alien life is a certainty given the vastness of the universe...but I'm not 100% certain that interstellar travel is feasible, so contact may well be impossible. If that little problem is solved, that I'm going with it being an inevitability.
2) When did you know that you were an atheist? Was there ever a time when you believed or were tempted to believe in a higher power?
Not really sure; it happened kind of gradually. There was a time when I subscribed to a kind of pantheism (something not too unlike believing in The Force, actually), but I realized that all I was doing was grafting Special™ onto the otherwise mundane world and that I had no proof--or even evidence--to back the notion up, so I just ditched it and became a full-on atheist.
But I was NEVER what you might call religious.
3) What did you think of Star Wars Ep. 1-3? They were widely panned by critics and fans alike.
Actually, I thought they were great for the most part. Most of the folks who panned 'em were, in my never-humble opinion, throwing the baby out with the bathwater. They had unrealistic expectations, saw Jarjar, thought he was stupid, and that opened to gate to nitpicking the living shit out of the movies; they really weren't any worse than the Original Trilogy.
Granted, I didn't care for Jarjar either, but what I thought was worse was the hyper-lock focus on the Jedi; I was always more of a fan of the Rebellion's fight for freedom against the Empire, and I loved how huge the canvas seemed for the Galaxy Far, Far Away...but the prequels narrowed to focus down to pretty much JUST the Jedi and the people they associated with. Hell, the birth of the Rebellion scenes from RotS hit the cutting room floor (but they were filmed). If anything bugs me, it's that. They really needed a Han Solo and a Wedge Antilles type in that flick, ordinary civilians and a street-level perspective on it all.
But I still dig the movies.
4) Have you ever had any formal art training?
Yes. I've dropped out of both film school AND the Art Institute of Seattle. ;)
5) Body modification suddenly becomes totally safe and negligently cheap. With almost any option available (permanent hair color, tails, ornamental wings, skin color, gills, etc.), would you have anything done? If so, what?
Well, I'm making my hair permanently straight and Smurf-cum Blue™, maybe having my eyes made a shiny and reflective silver. And, what the heck...pointy ears; elf pointy, not Vulcan pointy. You specified ornamental wings; if they were functional, I'd go for that too.
Not sure if I'd do anything else, though...not unless cyberware is also available...