I can't fall asleep in silence. I just can't; it's probably an ADD thing.
So last night I decided to fall asleep to a YouTube playlist of Christopher Hitchens giving speeches, and conducting debates. The volume was way low; I just needed sound to fall asleep to. Could be music, could be a movie; last night I went with Hitch going off about atheism.
...but when I woke up this morning, I don't know what happened; I was listening to this guy describe how, while he was in the army, he was approached by his commanders who said that he had been abducted by aliens as a child who modified him so that he was able to psychically communicate with them. No, seriously...that's what this video was about.
I...don't quite understand what that video was doing as part of a Christopher Hitchens playlist. *boggle*
Oh, and for the record...I'm not doing this again.
That debate he had with Shmuley Boteach (and don't think for a second that THAT name doesn't amuse the hell out of me!) is one of the most annoying things to half-wake up to in the middle of the night... Even if I'd agreed with Schmuley (SHMOOLEY! SHMOOOOOOOOOLEEEEEEEEE! Gawd, I can't help it; that name's hilarious!), his voice could strip paint.
I'm just sayin'.