Aug 20, 2006 13:42
So i was walking to my bathroom when i see a dark patch of something sitting next to the other bedroom's door. I flip on the light and notice that it's some sort of rodent. All through the summer i've had this mouse problem. I've killed 6 of them with traps but there always seems to be more. Well after a couple months of bitching, the landlady's son put rat poison in the apartment downstairs that they are renovating.
So, i was like, oh just a dead mouse. And go to get the broom and dustpan to get rid of the offending carcass. Well i come back wielding my trusty broom and go to sweep it away from the doorway and as i touch it, it squeeks. And not a mousy squeek oh no. A high pitched fang filled, imposibly large mouth squeek. As it extends it's webbed forelegs I realize that I am not equipped to deal with this underestimated flying menace. To put it succinctly, I was creeped the fuck out.
Now i'm generally not the kinda person who is scared of rodents. Bats don't bother me when they are outside flying. But when they take up residence in my hallway it's a bit disconcerting to me. So I did what any full grown man would do. Swiftly walked away and did the creeped out dance in the living room (thank god nicole wasn't here to see that). After a few minutes of composing myself, I come up with a brilliant plan.
Grasping my broom with a newfound resolve I marched undaunted back down the hall. Opened the door to my brother's room and swatted his creepy hairy ass in. So now, i have a bat living in the other bedroom. I'm so excited.