Quiet round these parts

Feb 05, 2010 23:24

Everything is still about the same here in my life. I go the visit the parents in Gulf Shores in one more week. So very excited. I get to spend an entire week doing nothing and being in the nice weather instead of the yucky snow. I really need a mental break, I've had way to many things on my mind lately and I'm sick of worrying and dwelling and all that.

So LOST was pretty awesome on Tuesday. I'm half sad that it's the last season but I'm also half thrilled that it's all going to be explained and we will finally know what's going on. I find this whole duel reality thing interesting. Of course they doing the same thing over on Fringe so I fear that I'll start becoming paranoid that there are multiple realities in real life and there are alternate me's out there living better or worse lives. Anyway, it was interesting to pick up on the differences, like Shannon not being on the plane, Desmond was on the plane, did Sun really not know English or was she lying, all that. I found the scene between Locke and Jack sort of sad because all I kept thinking was, "see how you two could have gotten along? What sort of awesomeness could you have achieved together if you hadn't been so stubborn and always believed that each one of you was right and neither could budge an inch?" Interesting that Jack's dad is just sort of missing in the other timeline. Also, the whole bit with Juliet saying she needed to tell Sawyer something important and then dying was so annoying that I couldn't even be sad about her dying. Over all pretty good start to the season.

99% sure I'm going to be applying to get my Masters in Museum Studies. Scary to be thinking of going back to school after all these years but I need to be doing something better with my life. I guess I'll worry about everything if I get in. :)
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