Jasen and I went to see Fast & Furious yesterday. Yeah, that's right, I said Fast & Furious and if you don't like it, you can suck it. I don't know what I'm saying, I'm just trying to be all tough and cool. :) As for the movie, it was ok, normal silliness but fun action scenes.
Good episode overall, not the best but not bad either.
Loved the teasing of the fans. I totally agree with Sam and Dean about the whole "slash" thing, "they do know we're brothers, right?"
The whole Winchester gospel idea is interesting. On the one hand I think it's a bit silly but on the other it sort lends credence to them being so awesome at what they do and having a purpose in all the craziness.
I do sort of hate how Sam doesn't rely on Dean as much any more. His feelings about his brother have changed so much since Dean came back from Hell and while I don't mind Ruby I feel like his reliance on her has taken away from how he always was with Dean. He's being sucked into this whole power thing and he needs Dean to keep him grounded.
Overall I've been very very pleased with this season. Favorite show on tv right now. :)
Other than that, I've been in a very down mood lately and the people around me like to egg me on even though I'm very honest about being in a bad mood. It's like, "why do you want me to be in a worse mood than I was?" It's just one of those funks people get into every now and then but it's getting kind of annoying.
Also, we are supposed to get snow on Monday. Alread well into April and we still might get snow, I hate living up north.