Oct 26, 2005 01:10
There is a hole in me… one that I constantly try to fill. I look forward to each exciting video game release, hoping that this one will fill the void that lingers inside my heart. But it never does, it never can… and so I wait for the next and the next. I consume content, and leave content half consumed, forgotten, as the hollowness in my soul rejects my overtures. I yearn for the days in the past when, now colored by the haze of time, things seemed better… when it was enough to have what I had. But memory distorts, the images in the river of time grow ever and ever more indistinct. Thoughts of the past swirl around me… But they dim, ever growing darker, until at last I am alone… ever alone… searching for something to complete myself. But I can never find it, it always eludes my grasp. The closest I can come is separated from me by the cruel distance of space, my only access borne of layers and layers of glass and circuitry. But even that is not enough, so much lost… so much never gained.
In the end, I am alone.