May 25, 2005 23:42
My school project about refridgerators is over. It was a mixed science/swedish project, and my swedish teacher tells me it was really, really good. ^_^;; Lesse if my science teacher is as impressed?
Anyway, I'm really unproductive right now. Tired. Am I always tired? Nope. Only I only notice when I am. *shifty eyes* And there's like two weeks left of school, and it was the same last year. I got really tired and came home and slept in the afternoons. The same now, really, even if I am doing later nights this year. There was a period after winter where it got better before it got worse again, but I think my sneezles - or just the heat or something - makes me really tired. And uncreative and unproductive and easily annoyed. It's really, really, frustrating. ^_^;; Why can't I ever feel no press on me? That I don't need to do anything and that I can just do what I feel and that I actually feel like doing something productive?! ^_^;;; Is this the teenager's curse, do never be motivated enough, always tired, and with all the stupid hormones, God, I start to cry for the littlest thing, I get really mad, or really giggly, and besides being embarrassing, much of it isn't really pleasant... who wants to be sad, really? Who wants to WANT to be sad? Yeah, and it's more confusing than that, too... who'd've believed all grown-ups had gone through this, and still being so boring as they are? I guess, in a way, it would be nice to be rid of all these messed up feelings and stuff, but when you cry over little things, isn't it proof that you can laugh over little things as well...?
Anyway, besides that one big rant to tell you that I'm tired, I actually have things happening now~
This Friday - that's less than two days from now - Karl is coming here, leaving by Monday again. Karl, for you who doesn't know, you people of my imagination reading this, is an online friend of mine, who I've known for, well, nearly a year now, army-dude, 24, etc etc. He works in Germany now (and I sorta doubt he can even say Gutentag..) and he has these weird 4-day-weekends and this one he's coming up here to Sweden to visit me. My mom, although she hasn't said anything, doesn't seem to like the idea of having some random chinese army guy who she's barely heard of coming living with us - you know, with all these stories you hear of little girls being tricked by people on the net.. - but I think she appreciates him coming -here- rather than me meeting him somewhere entirely out of her reach, anyway. Bleah. My parents are slightly overprotecting. ^_^; At least she's not suspicious of Lena, being both a girl and way closer to my own age...
And that's a good thing with internet. You base friendships on what your interests are, and then people's gender, age, race, accents and neighbourhood is unimportant. I mean, seriously, would I have ever gotten to know som chinese american in the US army, being ten years my senior, if it wasn't for the internet? Well... you never know... but the answer is probably no. Same goes for Lena. And most of my friends, actually... so...
Evrybody cheer for internet! HOORAY~~!
mood swings,