Right, so, back in like... early fall, anyway, Brian for a reason I can't remember demanded I draw something for him. He changed his mind on what twice before I even began drawing it, and this is the end result. *nod nod* He had thirty little gnomes whipping me while I worked to make me work harder. It hurt. That was all.
And because it was the first time I sketched on the computer and it was an interesting experience, I guess I'll show you the sketch, too.
On a side note, it's creepy to go to bed after the first people have already gotten outta bed to eat breakfast. o.O; I'm sooo screwed when school starts again.
And Sara's birthday is the 10th of January, inconveniently placed right after Christmas so that I keep forgetting it's there until about now, on which I usually have several days left to get her a birthday present. Well. Dad's going to Singapore over her birthday, so we're celebrating it tomorrow-and they told me this today. Grr. I guess Sara will just have to get her present on her actual birthday instead... ¬.¬