Dec 04, 2007 20:01
Since giving birth to Eoin, I've found that I've become much more the protective mama bear. Everywhere we go, Eoin attracts a lot of attention. That's all fine...I think he's adorable, too. However, I find myself getting really freaked out when people try to get too close to my baby. Today at Sam's club, I thought I might have to go kung-fu on some crazy granny!
We had stopped by Sam's because I needed my prescriptions refilled, and they were very busy in the pharmacy, so they said it would be about an hour until they were ready. OK, fine...we had some shopping to do, and you know...there are always the sample ladies! Well, we'd been walking around Sam's Club for quite some time, and Eoin, who had previously been sleeping in his carseat, had awakened, and began to fuss. He wasn't hungry, he had just woke up too early, and needed to go back to sleep. My mom took him out of the car seat and carried him for a little while, but, as babies do, he began to fuss more and more, and just needed his mommy. So, I took him from my mom, and I was walking/bouncing/patting/shhh'ing as we do to settle him back down and hopefully put him back to sleep, while my mom was checking out the laundry detergent aisle.
As we were walking, we came upon this cute little granny lady who, pointing to Eoin, smiled and asked jokingly, "Where did you find that?" "Aisle 5," I said, and continued my patting. Eoin wasn't really crying, but just kind of being a little whiny...All of a sudden, the granny lady, comes walking back towards us, and says, "Let me see that baby." I turned around so she could see his face, thinking she wanted to admire his cuteness...when before I could even react, she had both hands under his arm pits, TRYING TO LIFT HIM OUT OF MY ARMS!
I just started saying (loudly), "No! No! NO! NO! NO!" as i held on around his waist with a death grip!
I know she was probably just thinking she was being nice, but DON'T touch my baby, lady!!
This seems to be an ongoing problem. Last week, Mom and I were at the beauty shop. She was holding Eoin while I was getting my hair cut. Well, this lady sits down beside my mom and starts chatting her up about grandkids, etc. They were having a nice old time, until my mom announced that she had to go to the bathroom. Mom was intending to hand him off to me in the beauty chair, but the lady practically tackled my mom saying, "I'll hold him! I'll hold him!"
Needless to say, my mom is a mama bear, too! *giggle*