May 08, 2023 10:38

Это только я не понимаю шуток искуственного интеллекта? О_о

A Russian man walks into a bar and orders a drink. As he sits there, he hears a high-pitched voice say, "Hey, those jeans look really great on you!"

The man looks around but sees nothing. He then returns to his drink thinking nothing more of it. But then, a moment later, he hears the same voice again, "I really like what you have done with your hair!"

The man again glances around but sees nothing. Now he wonders if should visit a doctor as he clearly seems to be hallucinating. He calmes himself down but then as he believes the voice is gone, he hears, "You seem like an awesome person!"

He puts his drink down, completely scared and looks around wildly. Still unable to find the source of the voice, he calls over to the bartender, "Hey! What's that voice I keep hearing?"

"Those are the peanuts," the bartender replies. "They're complimentary."


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