(crossposted from
No posts for a couple days as I'm working on three other projects that are eating into my time - a Deadlands game, an indie RPG supplement, and another blog.
Saff is coming back tonight - maybe the cats will finally leave me alone. I like cats well enough, but I'm not a cat person. I'm not terribly entranced by their antics, I don't anthropomorphize them to a large degree, and I certainly don't collect cat knick-knacks... yet, somehow, I always manage to live with people who, for better or, more often, worse, have chosen to be pet owners.
Some people just shouldn't have pets.. but, in a way, that's as mean a thing for me to say as "some people shouldn't have children." Its utterly true, but its not something social nicities permit us to acknowledge as a general truth, let alone specific inditements.
In any case, things have been busy. Still no time to myself, which is about to change to be even less time to myself.. then next free day/evening I have is next monday. Every evening and non-work day between now and then is booked solid. I recently dumped most of my role-playing game groups by the wayside (recently being measured in days, not hours) and I'm just finishing up the last few games in the weds group, the last hurrah game for thursdays, then starting the friday night blast. In two weeks, I'll still have way too many games, but the light will be at the end of the tunnel; the games remaining will be ones I'm really committed to, stories and people that interest and inspire me - they'll be commitments I /want/ to make as opposed to commitments I feel I have to make.
I haven't been to a live show in almost a year - I really need to find someone to go to live shows with! Thanks to the joy that is NetFlix, I've been watching the Diana Krall DVD; I don't care if she has blonde hair and a nice smile, she can play piano like a mutha.
(yes, I fully understand the implied dual meaning, combined with a touch of sarcasm implicit in the statement)
Implications.. spoke to a friend this past week about my troubles with my social circle, about being stunted by it, my issues with being the smartest, with being made Responsible Alpha Male for 30-odd people. I feel more taken advantage of than most people are willing to realize, and no that folks have been given a Big Giant Clue about the issues, there's been no response worth mentioning, except from the people who I anticipated it from - which was welcome, by the way.. please don't get me wrong, your words touched me, and I thank you for them. I just wish I could find a way to salvage the situation, but it seems unlikely. I'm going to be fading from more and more social events that involve the local gaming community, and that's all there is too it, really.