Oct 01, 2020 08:44
I made myself a promise, that I'd have my Snapecase fic done and beta checked by the end of September. I have failed.
However, I did have the problem of it sitting on the supposedly dead laptop my daughter lets me use for over a week, and my flakey home internet connection had meant I'd not even been able to email it to myself (although, without something to download it on, it was moot). So I'm cutting myself a little slack
Anyway, I consoled myself that I'd considered it around 85% done at that point (despite finding out I'd remembered something wrong from canon after I got halfway in), so it would hopefully not take much time once I could pick it up, and thought a few points through in the meanwhile. Then C got this machine up and sort of jogging along.
So, it is now October, and I'm probably about 95% there, but I need to take, well, not so much a machete but some heavy-duty pruners to it; one of the characters just doesn't want to get back on track, and I'm going to have to figure how much I need to cut but still make the speech effective. I'm now aiming for the coming weekend... at some point, maybe?
Wish me luck!