An exercise in professional moving, or, how I got home

May 12, 2007 02:46

As I was packing my car to go home last week, there were hundreds of other people around me. Many were complaining.

They were complaining about how they had too much stuff. So much stuff, in fact, that it didn't even all fit in their vehicle. This is Indiana, so that vehicle was often an F-150. My mental response to people like this is generally, 'shut the fuck up. You have no idea.'

Excuse my blatant promotion of gender roles for a second. But this is how REAL MEN pack their stuff.

Everything was very tightly secured with ratcheted straps from Target (about $15). The roof rack was from Amazon, and about $30. The bike rack was also about $30. The only other component was two two-by-fours that I got for free, boxes I already had, and large blue trash bags I stole from RPS to cover the boxes in case of rain (they ended up getting tattered by the wind though). Fuel alone was almost more expensive.

So what've we got to learn from this? That SUVs and pickup trucks are for incompetent cretins.

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