
Sep 15, 2006 13:28

I feel like I've been neglecting to talk about much that's been happening to me.

So far my classes are going pretty well, although I'm already starting to group then into good classes and bad classes. First, the bad:

T211, Writing for Electronic Media. This is a rather shitty class, because it seems to be amounting to no more than a 'learn basic English and grammar' class, which I absolutely, absolutely, do not need. Almost everyone else in the class (it's about 40 people, too big to have a real personal feel and too small ever to skip without the prof noticing) is majoring in 'Sports Communications' and most of them are Pretty Fucking Stupid™, around the level of What's An Appositive, I Don't Any Clue About Subject-Verb Agreement, and I Mix Tenses All The Time Without Caring, Therefore I Am Talking This Class Out Of Necessity.


The other bad one is T326, Network Design. However, I expect this one to get a lot better soon. The reason it sucks is the prof's going over a ton of material I already know from another class I had with him. The problem is that the other class wasn't a prerequisite for this one, so most of the rest of the class is hearing it all for the first time, so I get to learn about what LATA and RJ-11 and PL mean all over again.

My good classes are T361, Interactive Transmedia Design. C'mon, doesn't the name of that class just sound cool? It mostly comes down to nitty-gritty Macromedia Flash stuff, but this is good, because I still don't know as much as I'd like about Flash, and already it's a lot more interesting than doing basic HTML from previous classes.

My T283 class is simply awesome. We're in studio 5 building sets, lighting them, operating brand-new HD cameras (they're $105,000 each), switching, doing audio (we have a new 32-channel board, plus setting up lav and shotgun mics), and soon we'll be editing.

The one class on which I'm yet undecided is Y109, International Politics. Inevitably the discussions in that the professor attempts to have in the class have thus far devolved into shit-throwing about Israel and Iraq and Bush and Clinton and terrorism and the DPRK and Saudi Arabia and oil and corruption and China and Islam and Christianity.

Fortunately I love arguing about that crap.

Well, Logan just knocked and asked me to come to Foster with him to eat, so I guess I'm signing off once more.

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