Hey, how much longer till Memphis?
At the time of his death, if he were on Jupiter, Elvis would've weighed six-hundred and forty-eight pounds.
Don't call me Elvis! If you can't use my proper name, why don't you try "Carl Perkins, Jr." or something?
You know, Memphis does look like Yokohama. Just more space. If you took away sixty percent of the buildings in Yokohama, it would look like this.
I saw Mystery Train last night for the first time. They were screening it at the park. I have to say, Memphis hasnt changed much since the late 80's, at least the parts of it they show in the movie. That abandoned theater on Lamar looks just about exactly the same, if slightly more deteriorated. I'm pretty sure the upstairs hallway at Earnestine & Hazels was in it, although the rooms of the "hotel" appeared to be filmed elsewhere. Lots of South Main shots and abandoned downtown buildings. It's always fun to see your city up on the big screen. The only problem is that nobody who lives in Memphis talks about Elvis that much.