Jul 13, 2007 18:07
In case any of you don't know, I'm done with school as far as I can tell. Tam just moved in a week ago and we're pretty much done cleaning up the house and making it all pretty, I've been cooking a bunch lately and I think I'm getting pretty good. I made home made gnocchi and focaccia, made a bit of a mess but it turned out pretty tasty. I also recently acquired an awesome 70s huffy 10 speed road bike, needs a bit of tuning but should be no problem. I've been stressing myself trying to find a job lately though. It's really hard to find something in this town especially trying to find something on these job finding websites w/o having been a manager or having years of experience. I'd like to get a job in a resteraunt/bar but entry level jobs are hard to find there. I just applied to be a karaoke host at the board walk,they want 2 years of karaoke experience which I don't understand, how hard can it be, I've set up stereo systems, been a radio dj for over 2 years, and have played enough karaoke to be able to get things together. Oh and I also fixed the faucet in our bathroom today all by myself, it makes me feel all kinds of manly. But still the job thing is really getting me down. I need to find a job within a week or so, don't ask me why but I do, and it just seems so damn hard. On a more fun note, I'm gonna be setting up a show for this awesome LA based trip-hop group called UNA, this should be fun.