The last year was very long and hard…

Jan 15, 2011 00:05

The last time I wrote an entry was the last year, I don’t remember the date but it was long time ago xD. I apologize to all my friends, half-friends? And contacts for have not been around livejournal for so long. I’ll explain shortly what happened the last year trying to justify more or less (thought it’s not my real intention) my absence.

Take the time to write this entry was very difficult to me ‘cause I’m a very proud and obsessive person (yeah, a bit stubborn too -__-) and It doesn’t like me to stop doing thing I like. So, my first thought was “ok, after this exam” then “when I get back from my travel (yeah, I made a long travel o_o)” and then “on holidays, now I’m exhausted x_x”. And finally, I started classes again and had a hard period, quite stressful and bad. I didn’t want and I still don’t want to write this ‘cause it means I’ll have to leave aside my upload stuff and communities moderation :S, even what likes me the most, which obviously is stalk my dears friends wuahahahahah *--*. Yeah, that’s the reason I took me so long to “reappear” here. Everyone, shitsurimashita!!!

The first part of the last year:

As many of you know, studies turn more and more life-eater XD! (I think I have just invented the prompt lol). At the beginning I had time to lurk around here. In fact, I expended my free time here XD! Fot that time, my premium account on gigasize died and I had started changing the links to my megaupload but I wasn’t able to finish that when studies swalloped me alive!

At the same time I started to train/practice kenjutsu twice a week in Niten. It’s Japanese fencing, some kobudo styles. It’s not the same as kendo. Kendo it’s a sport it was made when the swords were forbidden to keep the tradition a bit. In kendo you compite, you beat in the protection in three places only: head (men), stomach (do) and wrist (cote) in the real kenjutsu you do not beat the protections parts, you try killing in one blow. Besides, in this school we learn the bushido which come along the training, the samurai philosophy. Well, it’s long to explain here. I hope be able to make a entry one day about it. I’ll leave you the link to the official site, it’s Portuguese:

I was doing three subjects in the first part of the last year (March to July). They were statics, folklore and a seminary. Statistic was the worst subject I have ever made! Not ‘case It was hard the subject itself, ‘cause the professor had a very special and confusing way to explain it… He gave us a lot of themes and we didn’t have time to practice the thousand of exercises he ended taking us in the exams (a multiple-choice with options like: everyone, none, this, that one, etc). The exams were deadly. I passed with the minimal note. The other subject, folklore, I had to made a group work about the bicentenary of may 25 revolution (not, it’s not the independence day but anyway the government made it seemed like that…) about one of the special spectacle I have to witness (there were so many people I couldn’t even walk and the space organization was so bad that if you were not in the first line you couldn’t see anything… -__-). The worst was the group thing. I spent the time telling my partners to make a report of what they saw. Pointless, I was the only one I did it and in the final job the report of what we saw was necessary. I ended writing it for them… even I could only write what I saw and not what they saw… *sigh*. Wait, the worst thing is the analysis. We couldn’t agree about the hyphotesis and a girl turned in “hysterical mode” and say “she wanted to leave the group and that didn’t liked her” and things like “we didn’t speak about that in the other meeting” and balablabla. Finally, my report, the objective part had 20 pages and the main part only 5 I think it was :S.

And, the seminary… the best of all! I had the time very tie and I asked her and the other teachers if they had not problem with me leaving before time. It seemed there was not. I didn’t like running in the street, cross with the light in red, take the underground, and push people and that sort of thing. In fact, I HATE people who do that as part of their routine. Suddenly one day the professor who was seating beside me tell me the next thing: “you will have to make a choice. You can NOT leave 45 min earlier. You will have to choice between arriving late to the other class or…” She was very impolite and intimidating :S. In total we were 7 student. I didn’t have to make the seminary ‘cause I had already made another one in the last summer! I was doing that ‘cause it liked me. So, I spoke with the other teacher I apologize and told her I was gonna leave it ‘cause I didn’t feel comfortable with the situation.

Lovely, wasn’t it? Anyway, the worst was staticts. The stress I passed with those exams was incredible… The professor liked to joke saying that “this exam is very easy, if you study you pass”… The last exam almost kill me x_x.

Second part of the year.

Ok, after this I had a travel to La Rioja (the north of my country, beside the mountains which limit with Chile) with my research team. I joined to it in March. It was 23 days. I had a day and half of travel in bus. The place was marvelous. I didn’t knew I was gonna travel. The research chief invited me even I hadn’t participated in that project at all; even I had just joined the team. She was very kind. When I got back there was class time again. I had lost the first week and I had to quickly put me at day.

After one month my university building was taken… Yeah, how does it sound for you? Literally, it was taken by a group of student of the student centre under the typical legitimate reclaim in the surface but, reality, we know there were a lot of political reasons. Obviosly agains the government political that even it’s bad, that‘s true, the main argument was ‘cause “the director of my university section (it’s not the correct word, but I don’t know which is u_u) didn’t want to approve the money for the new building and we have the right to have class in seats and not in the floor and blabalbabla”. It’s long and it doesn’t worth to speak about it though, if you want to know feel free to ask xD. This meant that the subjects couldn’t give class normally. They have to do it outside the salon in the yard, in the corridors or in the street… Obviously it’s impossible. There’re six careers with their particular orientations, thousands of students and hundreds of subjects… There weren’t space for everyone. Besides, there wasn’t a blackboard, microphone, image projectors for everyone… not to speak about the noise… A complete disaster and think, that the “taken” was ‘cause we didn’t have good class conditions and ‘cause the new building… And I’m an idiot xD. It was funny. Meeting all the days, there were not agreements with the council, respectfulness from both sides and claims like this (which I have to comment it ‘cause yet it surprise me the irrationality of it… for our conditions): the new building needs to have a gym with instructors paid as they were professors.” We do not have a proper café, a library, classrooms, conference rooms, offices for our professors, etc and they ask a gym... pathetic! Do you know what I wanted to do? I wanted to burn them alive with all their papers and dirty (you do not have idea how they left the university x_x).

Well, summarizing up. One of my subjects wasn’t affected ‘cause it was giving in a museum ‘cause there was space for it xD; another one gave the class as it could in the yard or the corridors… and the third one refused to gave class in that condition. That subject took the exam as soon as the taken was down (not idea how to write it). We were around 40 or 50 student in that subject. Basic geology. Ok, 11 were disapproved among them me… x_x. The first time in my life. The professor was toooooo strict in the corrections. It annulated me many answers just ‘cause one wrong word or ‘cause it was said as he explained. Under the discontinued conditions of that course he should have been more compressive or not so strict. Whatever, I left that subject ‘cause it was pointless to kill myself trying to get a 10 in the second exam when I have to others exams plus an oral and a monographic to do.

The director ended prolonging the classes till December first week. We had only one week to rest and then the final exams. I couldn’t seat for any exam. I was absolutely stressed and tired. Soon reached Christmas and new year and just now, in December I’m relaxed. Although, I have to make a monograph, study for two final exams and send a e-mail to my research team chief asking her when I can go to teach me classify ceramic XD.

Because of all this chaos I couldn’t make me the time to retake my English class and I have to wait till feb when my teacher return of holidays xD. So, I apologize for the bad English but it’s been six months at less since I wrote something XDDD.

Summer, yeah… but not for relaxing too much. I can’t come back here and leave aside those final exams I’m collecting xD. I have four lol. There’re thousands of thing I want to do, things I started and have to leave in standby but I have to be sincere with myself. I don’t have time to do all of them. I can love them but I can’t do them all T_---T. Yet, I’ll try to make others entries here at less to tell a bit about myself and make me time to stalk my friend’s wuahahahhha.

I have to finish watching hakuouki season2!!! O___O OMG I got annoyed when i couldn't see Souji corpse all bloody and cute u_u, yeah, that bothered me and i stopped to download the bad versions... I have to see what happen and update myself with otomegame stuff u_u...

So that was it xD. There's a lot more to say but I don't want to be dense xD.

PD1: It seems my account was hacked... LOL After so many time when i finally made the entry i ad to recover my account first to be able to post it LOL.
PD2: the pm’s I’ll start answering them little by little =P


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