Update on the homefront....

Sep 03, 2014 13:26

Younger niece R has decided to have her head shaved in October so she can donate her hair to Angel Hair an organization that provides wigs and hair pieces to children who have lost their hair for a variety of reasons. This kid constantly amazes me, she has raised money in the past for a variety of charities but this is a bit different. She told me that she decided that she would do it this year as she's just started grade 11 so that her hair will have grown back by the time prom rolls around at the end of grade 12 :-) She's had long hair since she was very little so this will be a big change for her.

As for older niece, she has started university at the University of Toronto, so far from what I can tell from her Twitter she is having fun at frosh week :-)

As for me, I'm really enjoying my new job, and am heading off to Jamaica for a week of holiday at the end of the month... seems like a perfect way to head into winter, although I may try and go away again in February as I've found I quite enjoy going south when it's cold.
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