Gwaaaaaaaaah, i knew it was going to end like that!!! Ehm..what i'm talking about? Obviously, the fifth episode of Death Note *_* I saw it, and it's just...gwaaaah =ççç= Raito in the metro with Raye is SO EVIL! And the face he has while saying "Sayonara, Raye Penber"..gwaaah *dies* But, the most important thing is..L! >_< I knew it was going to end with that damned door! Gwah, L is behind that door..i can't wait to see him ç_ç I've seen him in the manga, but..i want to see him also in the anime >_< I want to see if he's well made XD Ehrm..he IS well made..but i want to see if he's made like the manga, and if the scenes are the same..and i want the JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL scene *___*'' I can't wait to see L's cute smile ç_ç
Gwah, i hope the next week to come soon >3<
And now, just because i want to show something XD The drawing i made for halloween/L's birthday..