On The Goings On Of My Spring Break.

Mar 12, 2006 13:20

So, since I have been Nyquil-ed out for the past two days, I figured I'd update on my Chicago trip now.

Thursday-Flew into O'Hare (Hooray for not Midway!!). Rachel met me at Baggage Claim and we went to her dorm. It smellled 1,000 times worse than she let on to. She has a Korean roomate who makes terrible food. It was horrible. We walked around for awhile, then we went to my cousins gorgeous new condo, where I was staying for the week.  We were tired, so we ordered Thai Food and watched movies. Thai in Chicago..so cheap!

Friday- We ate breakfast at the Original Pancake House. It was amazing. I had Chocolate Chip Pancakes, and Rachel had this horrifyingly large apple pancake blob. It was larger than both of our faces. Seriously. And there was a man who looked like Kanye West but who was not Kayne West sitting behind us. Rachel and I went to the Shedd Aquarium. We looked at Sea Otters. They were adorable. We somehow stayed there all day long. We had packed lunches, so we felt super awesome. We even had little brown bags. The most interesting parts were the dolphin show and the Penguins. The Penguins are adorable, but watching them swim in their poop was not.

Friday night we ate at a resturant called Pick Me Up. It was pretty tasty but we were both super hungry and ended up ordering wayyy too much food. It was pretty insane. We also went to a store called Strange Cargo. The store was crazy interesting. I ended up leaving my bag from Medusa's Circle in their bag check and having to return to retrieve it the next day. That was lame-o. I also bought new earrings(little guns) at  Medusa's Circle.

Saturday- We woke up super early to go to the Field Museum. I mean, like 7:00am.  I am very happy we got up so early though, because the weather totally sucked and it took us forever to get there. We did take some detours, like stopping at Savor The Flavor , a very cool little coffee shop we sort of began to regular when I was there. It was goood. And it was not Starbucks, which was better. We also stopped at Wiggly Field. Which is a dog park right by Wrigley Field. Very cute. Anyway, back to the Field Museum. There, we spent even more money on buying tickets to Pompeii, which was an amazing exhibit and well worth the extra $7. The exhibit featured many things, mostly jewelery and coins. But the coolest part was the castings of the bodies that we found in the dig. They inject the skeletons with
a fluid to make them solid, then do a plater casting. There were also some very cool frescos and murals that were found almost 100% preserved.

That evening we went back to Belmont and did a little more shopping. I bought Steven gifts at Chicago Comics, and Rachel bought some new vinyl. I also bought Pirate Playing cards, which came with a gold doubloon. Rachel and I then proceeded to Damen, aka hipsterville, and went to a very funny serious hipster coffee shop called Filter. We played Gold Fish and Speed. It was very funny because we were talking in pirate voices while everyone else was trying to be cool. They were not cool. We were.

Sunday Due to our late night activities, we got up sort of late. We spent the morning at Savor The Flavor and Wiggly Field. So we left, and I can't remember where we ate. Hmm. I don't really remember much about Sunday. Oh! We went to Pick Me Up again.

Monday Monday morning we once again went to Savor the Flavor. We developed a genius scheme for bringing back the American coffeehouse. Also, we discussed how the demise of independent coffeeshops was sure to bring about doom. Then Rachel had to go to school. So I went shopppping. I went to a yarn store called We'll Keep You In Stiches which was in a nice neighborhood but pretty much sucked. It was like the size of a shoe box. Then I rode the brown line to Paulina to go see ms.
oddreydavis. She has a very cute apartment who she shares with her very cute lover. I hve to admit I am jealous of the Chicago Independance she has. Props for Oddrey. The three of us ate Chinese at a place that was tasty but who's name slips my mind.  Then we went to Whole Foods, and then Audrey showed me lots of pictures and I left.

Tuesday Rachel had class in the morning, and then we tried to go to Adler Planetarium, but it had closed, so we just bummed around and then went and ate Thai Food at Duck Walk on Belmont.
That was good but we found hair in our food and that was ishy. Then we went and got movies and went back to Rachel's dorm, watched Hitchcock's Spellbound and went to sleep. I am sure that there was more than that, but I don't remember!

Wednesday We woke up and went to out to lunch at this fantastic place called the Bongo Room. It was way cheap, but the food was fantastic. Then it was on to  Adler Planetarium. It was a really gorgeous day, and the musuem was interesting. I like space. We both fell asleep during the SkyTheater show though. That is what you get for watching Hitchcock until 3am. Rachel had class that night, and I was tired, so I went back to my cousins house and watched Project Runway until she came home. But as soon as she came home we went out, she took me out to a very tasty dinner at some local pub, and then she showed me all the places that involved her upcoming wedding. The church she is getting married in is absolutley gorgeous. And she is having her reception at this huge elegant Italian villa like resturant. After that we went back to her house, soaking wet from the rain, and watched North Country. And the Project Runway finale. Which was super upsetting.. Chloe was so lame!

Thursday Ray and I hopped on the train again for another museum, this time the Museum of Science and Industry. We were both pretty wiped out, so we ate lunch at the museum, which was actually really good and way cheap. M.S.I. (giggle at the abbreviation) is huge so we had to work fast. We were very happy to find a Chris van Allsburg exhibit, both Rachel and I really enjoyed his work (Jumanji, The Polar Express, etc.) when we were young. The other exciting things were the plane and submarine you can explore. The U-505 exhibit was amazing. The thing is huge!  And the exhibit is amazingly well curated. Almost as well as the Holocaust Museum in D.C.. There are all of these interactive parts, where you can record yourself or try out things about the ship, like sleeping in the bunks.
The other cool thing we both enjoyed was the Fairy Castle. It is this crazy doll house that is huge, but incredibly ornate, like with marble floors, shell furniture, and these tiny little books that are printed with real type. There are the world's smallest bibles and dictionaries. We had a stelllar time, even though we missed our IMAX show. We both discovered during the week how much we both love science.

That night we picked up Rachel's little sister, who was in town for a  swim meet. We went and ate Pizza at Philly's Best also on Belmont. Then we had sundaes at Ghiradelli, and Rachel set a new world record for ice cream eating. It was pretty hilarious. Then we took Avery back to her hotel, and returned to Rachel's dorm to watch My Man Godfrey, which was absolutly hilarious. While we were watching the movie, Rachel's friend Kyle ( a girl) from Beloit called, and she came and picked us up in a CAR! It was fantastic. We drove to some crazy diner (The Golden Apple) I had grilled cheese, then Kyle drove me back to Ann's house and I packed and went to sleep.

And alas, Friday I got my luggage, met Rachel, and took the blue line back to O'Hare. I sat next to some germ filled old people, and then my pappy picked me up at the airport. We went and had Pizza Luce and it was fantastic.

And now it is Sunday and I go back to class on Tuesday. *sigh*
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