tagged by ky

Feb 03, 2007 20:22

Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: beef, and er sweet things like desserts
didn't actually try eat it until when i'm a teen.. so i'll eat whenever i see it on the menu yea
Literary: manga! happy potter! once i start reading, i can never stop until i finish it. Yes bible is included LOLAudiovisual: anime, horror/fantasy movies, live dvds err i enjoy them very much? will need a DND sign when i'm watching them too~
Musical: jrock, ost, jpop, english rock, classical, etc i can't live without music u see... 8D
Celebrity: loooooooooooooooooooooong list! because i love pretty boys too much & my eyes only will focus on them <3

Now I tag:-

ivoryfox kaori_lolita xrysx sfsakana and undertharsea

to complete this same Quiz, Its HERE.

photoshoot without a camera = omgwtfbbq!11111111


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