Apr 17, 2005 10:37
vowing now, You start with me and i disown you, i am just plain sick of having all these people and their drama and i want to be happy i am still here for you to talk to and all that but thats about it you start any and i mean any kind of drama with me i drop you and thats that. in other news my weekend was great i will be blunt with you all right now i am sick of being set aside with everyone so here goes , i am moving to nj this summer, i broke up with rachel 2 weeks ago just because i didnt want to go out with her in the first place, no matter what anyone claims i am my own person without strings just doing what my logic processes, i am "with" "Dinner" lol XP, i do not feel i owe anyone anything, and i am content with who i am despite all the self loathing.
i am nothing but i lock, holding together many friends and many foes in a chain that never ends.