Feb 21, 2010 23:31
its 11 pm and I cant sleep
we sent the money to the lawyer so everything is starting to fall into place
she came over this weekend and we were working on reading together
it make me really happy that she was trying hard
she was doing a great job and i am really proud of her
got the tattoo and it looks really good
although it is broken out right now because of the a&d oitment
so i got all kinds of acne. score.
going with megan on the 4th to get my septum pierced by nikki
then we are going to see taneesha.
i am so excited about this because i havent seen her in forever
marcus is off work again tomorrow
i think they are trying to get him to quit by giving him a bunch of days off
so that way they wont have to pay him unemployment.
he still hasnt gotten the results for his GED
they said something like 4-6 weeks before we get them back
and its been about 4.5
weight loss is coming along pretty well
lost 10 lbs in about a month
even though i fuck up severely on the weekends
i like food, ok?! dont judge me!
megan, stacy, and i went to meet amanda at the poncabird last night
i hadnt seen amanda in almost 2 years
it was really great to see her
we all wound up coming back to my apartment
marcus and dave were there, drunk
and i had so much fun just being with people i care about
stacy was a little crunk
so i gave her french fries and she went to sleep in chloe's room
in her coat
and woke up fine.
overall, good night.
marcus made breakfast this morning for dave and i
and we pretty much sat around, watched a movie
and spent some lazyday time together,
that is pretty much it.
the end.