Apr 11, 2005 13:08
Well tomorrow i start a drug program at Avon Park..because i like to smoke pot. What a stupid law, you'd think cops would be more worried about the kids shooting up schools, and the teachers rapeing thier students than petty marajana. I mean when did smokeing pot ever hurt anybody, the percentage of deaths in it is less than any other drug out there it's like 1%. Alcohol being at the top, and sugar, and ciggarettes..man i love to hate those things.
Well that isn't really the reason why i'm going, it's really more complex than that. I happend to have 24 5mg ridilan pills on me, that i wasn't takeing, and that i didn't even pay for, they were given to me by a friend..and i just didn't know what to do with them. So i spent some time in jail, and finaly got out on an ROR(release on recognence(sp)) to my father, who i have to think for my life.
Well i guess that's all, if anyone was wondering what i was up to, that's it. Take care everybody, i miss you all already..even though it's been awhile since we've talked. <33