Its a Mad World.

Nov 15, 2004 21:25

Make sure you @ least read the bottom, its IMPORTANT.

Well, pretty much I got bored. And so that is even what this whole shindig is about.

Plus, I am in a good mood, for the time being, thanks to Blink 182.

Today was.. I don't actually have anything to say about today. I stayed awake. That was good. And my hair was behaving for once. I guess that was pretty okay too. But there isn't anything important, or worth talking about, that went on. My life is pretty much event-LESS. The opposite of event-FUL.

Hmm. What is the point of having a Livejournal, if I never have anything to write about? I would say, why don't I just give it up, but the truth is, I won't. I know I won't. Because I am an LJ addict. I am addicted to livejournal. It's so pathetic. This is my THIRD journal. My third one. Thats so sad.

You know what I hate? Scene kids, not all of them. Just the ones who think they are better then everyone else. Which happens to be a large portion of them, but thats besides the point. Kids who claim to be "unique" because they are part of their own little group. Their own little scene. When really, their little "unique" posse, is just consisted of a bunch of assholes who all act, look, dress alike. They think that they are high and mighty, and better then everyone else. When really, they are shallow, annoying little bitches. I hate trendy people. I hate that I have a trendy hair cut, too. I hate seeing someone else with the same shirt. I hate when I see that stupid girl at school who decided that it was OKAY for her to buy the same shoes as me. Grr.

I forgot what I was talking about. I think maybe I am hyper, or something. I'm not sure. I know that by now, I am not even making any sense. Which means I am also probably thinking, "Why don't you just stop typing then? Why would you update you journal just to crowd the page with a bunch of useless nonsense??" Well, the answer is, BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE IT. & I AM going to crowd up my LJ page with a bunch of useless nonsense. So HAH.

Thats the beauty of the words MY JOURNAL. Because I can do with it what I wish. Yay.

I want 50 comments on this entry. It doesn't matter how many times you comment, or the topic of your comment, or if I even know you. Just do it. Kay?


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