i got this e-mail from megan today, who was the love of my life during my four months in cuba. she's on a program in mexico now.
"there is so much group drama and we're being judged for drinking and there is weird racial tension and apparently we're not supposed to drink carlo rossi because it is part of the united farm workers boycott or something like that and i'm feeling so judged and paranoid and defensive and i wish you were here to drink with me and not judge me.
now, i know a lot of you out there were probably just as shocked as i was. NOT SUPPOSED TO DRINK CARLO ROSSI? but how will we stay hydrated?
not to worry. i did some research. turns out that the workers of gallo wines (maker of carlo rossi) signed a new labor contract in june of 2005, so the boycott is over! Plus, 93% of their political contributions go to democrats. so i asked megan to tell her pretentious hippy compañeros to shove their "expert wisdom" on fine table wines up their asses.
we know carlo. would he ever do anything to disappoint us?