(no subject)

Aug 24, 2006 17:14

Dave Wu get your penis out of me!

Why is Seong all alone?
No friends...no friends
Why is Seong all alone?
Because he is a bitch/obese/a poop (whatever tickles your fancy...or any other two syllable words)

Link Crew (!@*&#*&) at such ungodly hours is not only messing with my mind, it's messing with my firtility.
And I've unwittingly been bullied into working at the library Friday. After orientation. At 3. I have no balls. I called specifically to cancel, but then Sandy was like "so you can't work at all?...What about 3...? Three? Ok see you then. Bye"


And on top of that:
Islandgirl909090 [1:01 PM]: is it true?
Auto response from HomieSk8er91 [1:01 PM]: I am away from my computer right now.
HomieSk8er91 [1:01 PM]: who's this?
Islandgirl909090 [1:01 PM]: tori
HomieSk8er91 [1:02 PM]: o i forgot...is wat true?
Islandgirl909090 [1:02 PM]: lol
Islandgirl909090 [1:02 PM]: are you really going to team millennium
HomieSk8er91 [1:02 PM]: i'm not sure yet
Islandgirl909090 [1:02 PM]: ill be so sad if you do
HomieSk8er91 [1:03 PM]: i would miss u
HomieSk8er91 [1:03 PM]: uut team esprit is only going to have a teen team
Islandgirl909090 [1:03 PM]: you shouldnt go youll have more fun with us
HomieSk8er91 [1:03 PM]: **but*
Islandgirl909090 [1:03 PM]: i know its only teen but that means that its just gonna be the best skaters and its all the ppl that were friends with
Islandgirl909090 [1:03 PM]: you know rebecca horton went to milennium
Islandgirl909090 [1:04 PM]: it doesnt matter the division as long as we do well
HomieSk8er91 [1:06 PM]: i don't think she's gonna be on junior, cuz i went to one of their practices to check the team out, and she wasn't even skating in the same group with us
HomieSk8er91 [1:06 PM]: it was pretty funny
Islandgirl909090 [1:07 PM]: ther is so far if you stay me you lea melissa lisa rebecca houde belinda trisha curry ( who wont skate if shes not strong enough according to the coaches) one girl from juvie kristin kunze and mary and gina want to come back maggy
Islandgirl909090 [1:07 PM]: and i think there was someone else but i cant remember
Islandgirl909090 [1:07 PM]: so thats 13ish
HomieSk8er91 [1:08 PM]: i don't think melissa's doing the team
Islandgirl909090 [1:09 PM]: according to lea.. shes stil up in the air
Islandgirl909090 [1:09 PM]: bc lea told her if she went to milennium she wouldnt talk to her again
HomieSk8er91 [1:09 PM]: i kno...melissa told me
Islandgirl909090 [1:09 PM]: so she doesnt want to to TE
HomieSk8er91 [1:10 PM]: she's not sure
Islandgirl909090 [1:10 PM]: so wait why wouldnt you guys want to
HomieSk8er91 [1:11 PM]: b/c there's not a lot of skaters...it's basically the same as last season except we're teen instead of OJ
Islandgirl909090 [1:12 PM]: yea so whats wrong with that
HomieSk8er91 [1:12 PM]: i wanna do a competitive team...where i'll at least have a chance of going to nationals
HomieSk8er91 [1:12 PM]: teen doesn't go to nationals
Islandgirl909090 [1:13 PM]: okay so dont get mad at me for saying this bc i dont wanna sound mean but honestly what is the point of going to nationals its just a bunch of extra money you have to spend on traveling to come in like last bc if you make it that far you wont be good enought to actually win or come close to it
HomieSk8er91 [1:15 PM]: well, i love going to nationals b/c there's people from all over the country...not just the same boring teams we see at every competition
Islandgirl909090 [1:23 PM]: you could still have fun on a non competitive team
Islandgirl909090 [1:24 PM]: did millenium qualify for nationals last year
HomieSk8er91 [1:25 PM]: i dunno
Islandgirl909090 [1:25 PM]: i dont think they did
Islandgirl909090 [1:25 PM]: bc they havnemt been doing so well
Islandgirl909090 [1:25 PM]: i mean theyre younger teams like pileminary did well and juv. but thats it
HomieSk8er91 [1:26 PM]: that's sounds a lot like TE
HomieSk8er91 [1:26 PM]: brb
Islandgirl909090 [1:27 PM]: okay
Islandgirl909090 [1:27 PM]: i wasnt trying to be mean .. i was jsut trying to see where you wer coming from bc i dont want to lose you as a skater or a friend ya know bc i wont get to see you that much if your on milenium
Islandgirl909090 [1:28 PM]: alright i gotta go anyway talk to you soon! :D

SO basically Bri (HomieSk8er) and Melissa aren't skating with us this year. Or Rebecca Horton...Which leaves us with a grand number of 11 people. Ugh. If it weren't for Tori and Becca and our program music (PotO!) and...college...I'd quit.

In better news I might be able to teach basic skills in either Hamden or Yale...Hamden has Learn to Skate Tuesdays and Thursdays but Yale has it VAIR early Sunday. Don't know which I would do.

Saw Jonah at Eli Whitney today when I picked up Michael...he asked if we had any classes together. As if either of us wants that? Thankfully, the answer is no.

Summer Work to complete:
1. calc packet
2. psych packet
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