Jan 10, 2006 08:03
I am taking this oppurtunity to vent. Everyday...and by everyday i mean EVERY FRIGGING DAY...the "popular" kids (aka:I'm so insecure I couldnt have my own peronality if i tried)sit on the floor infront of the lockers. The seniors did it last year adn ofcourse we mustn't stray too far behind the crowd. SO anyways..everyday I go to get my shit out of my locker...keep in mind it is 7:20 in the morning adn I am not in the mood to put up with their egos.. they sit in their row and look at me as though Im crazy when I ask them to move over. I ask them politely as they roll their eyes, which are bloodshot from their hangovers. If it were not socially unacceptable I would take my locker door and slam into their over-processed heads. I guess its my fault.. i mean i actually had the nerve to part a couple that was sitting next to eachother on the floor today..how could i be so inconsiderate? How could i forget that they practically do it like rabbits and 2 seconds apart might kill their mojo!
After I am done putting away my countless books - which Im sure they never carry cuz they are too busy going to feild hockey practice or whatever is they do in clans...I walk away, i can feel them glaring at me. Hmm maybe on the last day of school I will just turn around and say "FUCK YOU!"
This brings me to another point...I would also like to tell all of them how UGLY their UG BOOTS are. I counted 10 girls sitting in the hallway with the same pair of hideous shoes. "Hmm lets see what should I wear today.. omg I dont even need to think I'll just make a carbon copy of the rest of my friends and paste it onto my body. Dont forget the orange skin and glittering eye shadow - now Im super HOT! I better wear a skirt today so the whole football team has easy access after school" Alright (takes a breath) Im done ... that felt good... maybe I should right a monologue.. you know how theraputic it would be to scream that on stage? I have to go now...see you lovelies later :)