Green-shirt Thursdays. White-brief Wednesdays. And all the rest. What do you do if you don't look good in green? How can you do underwear if you haven't owned any (besides jockstraps) in 30 years? That was the question I posed to
major7 when he did one last week...then he became a Muse...LOL
You may have an aversion to wearing anything may wear boxers instead of briefs, or you may be like me and go "commando"...the point of "Freeballing Fridays" is that *anyone* can do it (even though you may be bashful). Here's the plan: on Fridays, you need to go commando, aka "freeball", aka "no underwear or jockstrap between you and your pants/shorts/kilt/etc"...take a photo (or have a photo taken) of you, showing that you're freeballing (you can show as much or as little of your junk as you want, just show that you're wearing *nothing* under your pants or shorts!), and post it to YOUR journal with "Freeballing Friday" somewhere in your subject line! If you're showing more than a glimpse of your naughty bits, you know to put it behind an LJ cut...and get your friends to participate, OK? Copy as much as you want of this post, or link to it if you wish--this one will be UNlocked.
You can tell that the A/C is "on" this morning...LOL
(Clicky to make 'em *nominally* bigger...)