General Stuff/Links to fics

Apr 27, 2012 12:26

So I just figured out how to use LJ, like the HTML codes and all, and started posting stuff. Only, so far, for the yj_anon_meme. Anyways, a few links:

Echoes Walking on Archive of Our Own. It can also be found here on Depends which site format you like better, I guess. Summary: The YJ mentors spend some time with their dead partners. Mostly gen, hints of SB/MM.

Also, Arcs of Love, drabbles for BatFlash on

And the first part of Honeythief Hell is up on yj_anon_meme and

I don't really know if I'm doing this right. :(

But yay for Friday!

new at this, arcs of love, yay for friday, yj_anon_meme, honeythief hell, echoes walking

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