Jul 14, 2005 12:18
Realm/Server: Gurubashi
Name: Vrojovic
Class: Mage
Race: Gnome
Primary Professions: Tailoring and Mining
Secondary: Fishing
I've already sent Nicole and Travis many items that I was able to create with my tailoring profession. If one of you would be so kind as to pick up the Skinning profession, since I need leather to make some of the higher end items ad whatever the progression is for leather later on down the skill tree. My suggestion is for us all to try to vary our primary professions just so we can all help each other in making things. For example: with Herbalism, one can make potions. Without someone in our guild making em, we'd have to rely on looting or the Auction House for our potion needs. There is also a profession that allows you to enchant weapons and armor, but the name fails me at this time. Perhaps Bryan can enlighten us....
Post your character with all the info I listed, just so we all have a nice little record. Wheeeeeeeee!