Semi-permanently moving out of the US.

Jul 06, 2009 19:28

Hey all who are still awesome enough to possibly keep up with my lack of journal entries. I know that I really don't post much, but I though this important.

I will be leaving the US on July 25th and will be living in different Asian countries for, for all I know, possibly 10 or more years for work. I have been hired by JET (Japanese Exchange Teaching) Program to teach English in Japan for a minimum contract period of a year, but I will most likely be on this program for 2-3 years. I will then move to South Korea for 2 years to do the same thing. And after that I will settle in Taiwan and open up either my translation company or hotel chain. I know this all sounds really ambitious, but I am willing to do it all and I believe I have the drive.

So I just thought I should let everyone know who still gives a hoot. I'm going to give all this in more detail such as where exactly I'll be in Japan and other things in the little cut I have below. But I hope everyone will still be able to stay in contact and you are all welcome to come visit me and stay with me in any of the countries I'll be living in.

So I've been placed in a little town called Kenbuchi in Hokkaido, Japan. I didn't really get a say in where I'm placed except for my preferences, which were Kyuushuu and Kansai area. The JET people just placed me there. Ah well, I'm going to be paid quite well and living in a really cheap place so it's not so bad. I get paid roughly 3,600,000yen a year which is $36,000 and not need to pay Japanese taxes and possibly US taxes. It's pretty good! I will be living in my own apartment which has a living room, a bedroom, a small kitchen, bath, a storage shed, and a garage all costing only $120 a month. The apartment also comes with all the amenities I'll really ever need like a bed, a couch (a crashing place for anybody who, TV, washer, cooking utensils, etc. So yeah, even though I've been placed in a little town on the northernmost island in Japan, the income is amazing as well as my apt. I'm not too disappointed as I will be able to save lots of money and travel alot.

I will be teaching a nursery (not sure what exactly I'm teaching them), elementary, junior high, and high school all split among 35 hrs a week. Yeah, I'm touching all bases, but the town is small so there's not that many students. And I actually work at the schools and not at the jukus or cram schools which is cool. I'm quite excited to go and am currently fretting about packing cuz I'm not quite sure how much stuff to bring since I'm going to be there for 2-3 years.

After that I will be going to teach in Korea at maybe a cram school for another 2 years. I don't know where I'm placed for that yet as I've yet to apply, but when I get to that I will inform you all.

After that it's off to Taiwan and opening up my company or hotel. My company will translate Japanese, Chinese, Korean into English and vice versa and into each other. It's actually interesting cuz I've got people who are already interested in working for me which I greatly appreciate. Anyways, that's about all I have for now, I have more to say, but we'll just leave it at this for now.

Anyways I also have another blog which will detail my life in Hokkaido as it is dedicated to that. Here is is:

japan, hokkaido

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