in all this, thanks to
blancwene, I finally watched Casanova with David Tennant. Ok I watched only the second and the third episode 'cause YSI deleted the first one. T_T crying.
btw I loved it! in some scenes I was almost suffocating from laughing. I loved he Mini-Jack (How the hell Giacomo becomed Jack?!?!?) an I loved david. he's a great actor, his facial expressions are priceless. (not to mention peter o'toole, he's peter o'toole after all.)
XDD ohmygod the scene in paris with the dog chasing after mini-jack! I almost died from laughing.
the obvious problem is I don't really understand spoken english. So I probably missed a lot of things. in the third episode I missed so many things... °__°'' sometimes I stayed there trying to understand and I catched only talking about sex. Why the hell I understand only talking about sex?! XDD
oh. there was a great moment. I was watching these episodes commenting with
beautyinseason everything when her was telling me about some stupid draco/harry she was reading. When there was the scene of the duelling... and Giacomo was talking to the-one-whom-name-I-didn't-understood and there's the big revelation... T__T I was sure he-whom-name-I-really-don't-know was gay and in love with giacomo! I almost cried when I discovered I misunderstood the whole thing.
girls-with-weird-hairdo's husband gay would have been a wonderful stupid thing for such a stupide telefilm! ^o^ unfortunately the third episode is really sad. I was hoping that stupid gags would continue till the end. T_T
talking about her... Enrietta or what else... °_______° please tell me what sort of things she had in hair?!?! she was something totally horrible!
btw, I loved the punk/dark atmosphere and clothing in naples... but there's no smell of sulphur.... *__*''' I've been there. I absolutely swear.
orgueilestrange lives there.... air is normal!
I absolutely want to see the first episode.