There’s been alot going on elsewhere, hence the lack of updates here. Apologies!
I’ve been doing alot of writing, and in order not to spam my updates page, I am working on a page specifically for that. There’s been alot of good stuff, although it’s been a little scattered about.
I will hopefully be livestreaming again… soon. The new lamp I got for my desk isn’t working out, so I have to either figure out how to attach a camera to my old one, or somehow rig the camera another way. Anyone an engineer and likes figuring out problems? I am happy to send measurements and photos.
At any rate, hope all of you out there reading this are doing well.
ALMOST FORGOT- Locals. Hunger Games. Tomorrow. Brookline? (I think?) Come watch me squee myself senseless!
Next weekend - Beer festival in Davis Square. Watch Roho squee HIMSELF senseless!
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