AHAHHAHH!! but in a good way!

Apr 05, 2004 23:31

I am jsut (you, I.E. the world will learn that in MY world the word "Just" is spelled jsut. Get used to it, there are no parlimentary plans for change in the near future!) CRAZZY!!!!!!!!!

I am everywhere at once. If i didn't have skin, i'd be slpat on the walls. Ok little to graphic, I'll try to tone it down for the UNDER 21 audience *snicker, snicker* JUST KIDDING!

ANYWAYS...... I seem to be gramatically and spellingly challenged today so feel free to redline this entry and send it back with revisions. I would look at the revisions and then tell you where to stick them but I would look at them none the less.

As the world can see I am in quite the good mood today. It is a phenominal feeling. Although this crazy feeling could stem from my extreme nervousness in the career department due to an upcoming special event at work.

Once the month of July ends I will have experienced all of the special event we have at work and will have no problem with the following years. HOWEVER until then I am freaking out every step of the way.

But no worries. Your favorite me will be back in no time. Wait and see, just don't hold your breathe because the event is Saturday so unless you have alternate means of absorbing oxygen into your blood stream then I suggest breathing as the best course of action.

I must be off to bounce off the walls some more. I will be up a goodly portion of the night so you night owls come find me! THose of you that know how to find me anyways, it isn't all that difficult. (when I want to be found... :)

*Evil Laugh Ensues*
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