Finally too cold

Jul 08, 2004 09:19

Yesterday was a very interesting day temperature wise, over here we didn't even scratch 70. After work I headed out to pick up some food and other useful things A lot of what I needed should had been gotten quite a while ago especially the food. Man cannot live on three day old left over pizza alone.

After the little shopping excursion I headed to McEcheren to fight beside my comrad aginst many foes in halo, now that we are playing the game at it's hardest level we are being collectivly kicked around instead of the blissful 15 minute per level rate we had been going at on the easier levels now we are lucky to finish one in two hours. But anyway we were finally able to finish our level then it was dinner time.

Dinner was good, niced baked potatoes with too much pepper in my case, then there was too much salsa and cheese for others. Either way it was pretty good. Afterward I ended up heading back to my room where the temperature was below 80 for the first time in weeks. I ended up continuing some of my personal projects which I had started but due to forgetfulness and the stress of the end of the semester I had let go by the wayside. I also have been snapping up songs off of iTunes quite a bit I just ended up snagging songs on the Walk to Remember sound track. So many of those songs are really, really good and I just couldn't resist.
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