Jun 09, 2004 22:00
Today has had it's good times and bad times. Fortunately the good has far outweighted the bad but the of the bad is maddening.
This morning I awoke to find that the internet wasn't working having been assured that it was something which would happen from time to time I brushed it off. So I continued on my way and went to work.
So I was plesantly superised and happied to find out that more of the group would be joining us here in Pullman for several days. That was good then later on I was given a gmail invite, and for those of you who don't know this is the most amazing e-mail service ever and is being sought, pined, and begged for by many of the most humble computer geeks on the planet. So getting an invite is tremendously awesome; so that was good too.
After work I went to McEcheren for some more carcassonne punishment. Baarr I fear that my ability to play carcassonne well has left me. But still feeling good. After watching some Spiderman I ran back here.
Lo and behold Adelphia the Internet Service provider we use here in the house called us up and let us know that one of the computers here was acting as a serve; apparently infected by a virus so now I'm tech support here too. This time we have an ultimatum if in 24 hours the offending compuer is not stopped our internet connection will be terminated. So it's been rough. Hopefully all's been worked out but who knows It may be that the only time I have an internet connection is when I'm on campus.
Well I am tired and frustrated. I'm going to sleep. But I can't wait to see all who are on their way down tomorrow.