I'm back

Oct 04, 2011 09:05

So we are back in Ottawa proper. I suppose we've been here for almost two weeks and it has been pretty good.

The immediate response is: it's great to have a bed that is mine, a room that has space for some clothes, and well, that bebe gets some much needed real crib time. He sleeps much better when he is in that and not a packnplay for some reason. Naps are longer and we can go for longer in the night without waking. This is all pretty superficial. It's nice to be with Babe and to be in my house. Road trip over.

The week we came back I saw my Sis and her boys. I love our long walks and park time. It is nice to have a destination when going for a walk. I find I don't get motivated to go out unless there is an errand or we go in a loop. Loops are fun to plan in my head, since we live in my childhood neighbourhood it is easier to plan than when we lived in Westbury.

Side: I was thinking this morning how nice it is to have a bathroom window. Which is strange because when I was little our bathrooms never had a window, in Kanata the bathroom that I used's window looked out onto the siding of the house next door, like a foot of space between them people, and Westbury had no window, BC had no window, Holland had one but really it was a gross icky bathroom used by Babe and his three boy housemates before we got married- GROSS. no word of a lie, the most disgusting place on the planet. I had maybe three showers there in the time he lived there and brushing your teeth was something you had to work up to. But good memories. (I tended to use Katie's bathroom, his girl housemate whose room was on the main floor and who had a private ensuite).

Not really sure if bebe and I have gotten up to much since being home. See Heath a whole bunch. Potter talk, potter talk potter talk. But that's ok. I asked her "are we going to talk about this when we're one hundred years old" and the reply was "of course". So own and move on.

I guess Pottermore is the big news.

I have a 12 3/4 inch Elder wood wand with Dragon core- unyielding (this means how easy it would be to take my wand and claim power over it... as it you can't suckers) my wand seems to be pretty dark to me. and Unsurprisingly I was sorted into Slytherin. Funny enough I can't add that to my computers dictionary. I am glad of my house and have intense loyalties to my green friends. Although for the last almost 10 years I've been wearing a Ravenclaw winter scarf. I guess I need to rectify that. And, I wonder if this year more people will be flying house colours.... Intrigue.

High Holydays began last week. bebe was so good during the services and people were so happy to see him. I'm glad he makes others happy with his big blue eyes and smiley face. He is beautiful. Not sure what we'll do about that yet. But so many people say it, should we make a move?

Yom Kippur is on friday, so that is the end of this week. Busy weekend coming up. (shul, wedding, thanksgiving)

Today We're going to Carleton University for their annual butterfly show and then to my 'rents for my Dad's bday. I have to get my present wrapped and salad organized before my mom picks us up. She's coming to the butterflies too, my sister and her boys are meeting us there.

Last night bebe and I went to Centrepointe Theatre to see the "Girls Kick it" Author's panel, where Kelley Armstrong was speaking. It was a lot of fun. But the average person there was a 15 year old. I felt grossly out of place until I saw some older ladies. I think it was because most of the authors have young adult things too, but I've only read the Bitten series by K. Armstrong and well, it is super super adult. I got it signed to me and Myth because she got me hooked on the series and bought me the first few books. I didn't find her the nicest of people. I'm not sure how to put it. I wanted to gush and be super super excited about her characters, but it seemed like she was over it, and I felt strange meeting her. I wanted a picture and a hug, but felt past over to the youngins. Weird. Not sure of my impression truly.

We took the bus there and back, not bad. If it had been nicer I'd have walked over, but it was pouring rain. I was glad it didn't keep the fans away, and the panel discussion was really funny, geeky, Werewolf/Witch talk.

Most of yesterday I spent the day crouched on the carpet in front of Babe's computer typing away on my lap, fixin' chapter 1. The set up. It got done and e-mailed out. Great progress. My plan is to rework all existing material, then fill in necessary gaps that existing non written parts. I got the set up done. It was a great moment of inspiration. I find my main character is stronger and more fleshed out. I also found a piece that I had thought lost and read it. I have a few solid nuggets of gold and a lot of crap it seems.

Myth and K are coming home on wed, for yom and the wedding on sunday. Super excited to see them. I think it was harder than I seem to have taken it for them to be away, but the oct/nov/dec stint will be harder. But we're going there in Dec for Hannukah, i think it will be cold and awesome.

Been learning to play hearts on fridays and babe and me tried to teach his parents crazy eight countdown. It didn't go too well.

There is probably more. But I will get back to this properly soon. This was just a dive into what did I do ,... oh yeah.


high holydays, k. armstrong, writing, butterflies, parks, bus, bed, home

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