Apr 04, 2005 20:43
i hated waking up and getting ready for work this morning cuz of the daylight-saving time! i could have slept for one more hour damnit! i guess i just have to get use to it! work was ok.
picked up our baby after work...awwww she's so cute! you guys should see her. she's always smiling and she's so hyper!
picked up dan cuz he needed a ride to pick up his car keys at the tire place so he can get the extra tire in his garage and back to the tire place to pick up his car! whatever i hope dat made sense haha =) so we just chilled in my car talked and listened to music! it took forever! but it was alright i guess since we haven't seen each other for a long time anywayz.
i went home after dat...ate...went online and checked my LJ and myspace!
went to choir practice! awww i miss my choir buddies (especially the old members) it was really nice seeing everyone...well i mean almost everbody was there. i had fun once again! i just love singing and being with those people! it's so funny how all of us don't hangout outside church anymore(i mean cuz maybe miss amy is not here anymore...awww i miss her) so after practice most of us stayed outside just talking, laughing and whatnot! awww fun times!
so after choir, i got gas and then now i'm here typing in my LJ how boring!!! well i'm gunna shower now so yeah bye for now!
not again!